Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rabbit & Poultry Expo Sets the Stage!

Five young members of the Animals "R" Us 4-H Club recently met at the Extension Office to show off the animals they had worked with this year. They didn't need to trailer to bring them, or even a lead rope to tie them up with though. Kaitlin Brown, Brenden Watson, Kendell Watson, Courtney Miller, and Katie Miller all participated in the Rabbit & Poultry Expo! Click here to see pictures!
Pictured are Brenden Watson, Kendell Watson (with Kaitlin Brown's chicken, Katie Miller, and Kaitlin Brown.

4-H'ers spoke with Richard Goforth, Extension's Poultry Area Agent and Tiffanee Conrad-Acuna about taking care of their animals and each animals good points and areas for improvement. They also helped the 4-H'ers with their showmanship skills in preparation for having a full Rabbit & Poultry Show next year!

We are excited about the possibility of hosting a full show, with market and showmanship class, next year! If you would like more information about showing rabbits or poultry, please call Michelle or Tiffanee at 997-8255. If you don't have an animal - don't worry - we can help with that too!

1 comment:

Shea Ann said...

Way to go on your projects!!! I hope all of you will also consider showing your rabbits and poultry at the Robeson Regional Fair next year as well as the Richmond fair.
If we keep going we could have a whole new circuit for our 4-H members to show in. Way to go Michelle and Tiff!!