Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Hatching!

I have had a new sound in my office for a past 2 weeks.  The gentle hum of an incubator has been in my office and 25 Richmond County 1st and 2nd grade classrooms.  The students are participating in the 4-H Embryology project by hatching out a group of chicks in their classrooms. 
Students at LJ Bell, Mineral Springs, Monroe Avenue, and Rohanen Schools are participating in the project now, with 2nd Baptist, Fairview Heights, Washington Street and West Rockingham Schools participating in March.   
During the 21 days that it takes for the chicks to develop and hatch, students help to ensure healthy growth by turning the eggs, monitoring temperature and keeping water in the incubator.  Students learn about many different areas during this project, including life cycles, growth, agriculture, and bio-security. 
1st grade classrooms were offered a visit from 4-H Agent Michelle Stumbo to learn how important it is to wash hands by looking at where germs like to hide under the black light.  2nd graders could get a visit from Carolina, the White Beverin rabbit, to help discuss agriculture and how important that is for us. 
Richmond County 4-H receives support to offer programs like these to Richmond County School Students at no cost through the generosity of Richmond County.  Farm Bureau has donated money in order to purchase new incubators.  You can also support Richmond County 4-H by contributing to the United Way of Richmond County and by supporting the 4-H Auction scheduled for 7pm on March 5th at Browder Park in Rockingham. 

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