Thursday, July 29, 2010


Congress means many things to many people.  In NC 4-H, Congress is the BIG EVENT for our teens.  Congress is a 4 day event that allows youth to stay in the dorms on NCSU's campus and experience a bit of college life while participating in leadership development activities and making new friends from across the great State of North Carolina.  This year, Richmond County took 4 youth - Nathan Ezzell, Courtney Miller, Sarah Tyler and Hannah Webb.

Monday saw us starting our day with a drive to Raleigh & getting ready for opening meetings, both for the youth & the agents.  Our District Meeting had us thinking hard about what we would change about each of our communities and what our youth believe are problems that they face in NC.  Monday's opening assembly had an updated version of the county flag ceremony and introductions of our 2009-2010 State & District Officers.  Monday was also a very special night for Richmond County's Courtney Miller.  Courtney was inducted into the NC 4-H Honor Club.  Honor Club is an elite group of 4-H members and Alumni who are inducted yearly at Congress.  Congrats Courtney!!

Tuesday saw State Presentations in which Courtney and Nathan Miller competed in Safety and Expressive Arts, respectively.  Courtney took home a Silver for her presentation on Gun Safety & Nathan did a wonderful job on his presentation on Masks.  Youth also participated in several workshops during the day including the opportunity to take a tour of NCSU's campus, learn how to handle media relations and a how-to start planning for college.  Tuesday's evening assembly was an eye opening session on hunger. Hunger affects people all over the world, including those in our back yard!  4-H will be working over at least the next two years to help allivate this big problem in NC.

On Wednesday, we were able to put our motivation into action & sort tons of pasta for the NC Food Banks for the Hands to Service project.  And I do really mean TONS of pasta.  The youth took about 3 hours to bag and label 37,900 pounds of pasta, which is enough to feed nearly 32,000 meals.  We were so proud of our youth for taking time out of the AC to complete the project with smiles & laughs while making new friends.  During Hands to Service, the Donor Luncheon was held and Courtney Miller attended to thank the people who are responsible for funding the scholarship she will recieve for college this year.  We finished the night with the farewell banquet in which outgoing state officers gave their final speaches & then headed to Dorton Arena for the candle lighting ceremony.  If you have never seen an NC candle lighting, it is quite a sight!  All of the youth line a giant clover with candles & many agents get a workout climbing stairs to get to the top & take pictures. 

Thursday was the end of Congress this year.  The youth got to attend a session with representives from NCSU and participate in a panel discussion about how to plan for college & beyond.  After a closing meeting with Mrs. Reba Green-Holly of the Northeast District to motivate them to do great work when they go back to the county.  We are looking forward to State Council Conference in November and to the great work these you will do in the county!  Click here for pictures from the week!

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